PP's CITE #1. Interviewing my Mentor_1 (Tristan Harris)
Dear Tristan Harris
Hello, Thanks for opening this mail.
My name is Jihyang Cheon, a freshman of Pohang University of Science and Technology(POSTECH). I’m in the department of Creative IT Engineering and this mail is part of my semester work, to choose a mentor for my future and interview him/her for some advices. I’ve regarded you since last year and got lots of help from your articles, so I really wanted to contact you and ask some questions.
As I felt something strange about this world last year, I started to concern about such problems caused by developments and technologies. At first, it was a bit afraid for me cause I felt like I’m contradicting so many people and industries which are most parts of the world these days. But then, I got to know about you and your Center of Humane Technology and quiet relieved that those questions I had were not meaningless. I really appreciate for that. Still, I am thinking you as my mentor and keep trying to find my own way to make a better world.
I’ve collected few questions to ask you for a year. I read the announcement that you are busy a lot and do not spend much time on checking mails. So, I’m just praying for your reply.
So, here are the questions.
#1. On your article ‘How Technology is Hijacking Your mind(May 18th, 2016), I thought that what those companies are doing can be described by the word ’nudge’, attracting crowd gradully for their purpose, and it led me to think that we can help those hijacked crowds to come back by hijacking them to the right way.
But I faced the problem myself that is it right to manipulate other human beings even if it has the nice purpose. How do you think about that?
#2. I am in the science&technology institute to learn about the basis of the world nowadays, but my goal is to be a design communicator who helps others to find the correct meaning of technology by designing products, campaigns and so on. In that case, I feel like I should improve my design skills. I can learn how to use programs I need and make artworks that seems good, but it is hard to put my thoughts and meanings inside. What should I do?
#3. Is there any professional journal for those topics about techonologies and future? I know there is a part on philosophy, but I'm qurious if there is any other.
#4. I believe that the more important thing is to let people know about healthy life. Since making new tools and developing technology is the basic will of mankinds, we cannot stop us from making some new things. Lots of problems were caused by misuses or addictions, not by tools or technologies themselves.
Can you comment any ideas for my belief?
I wish someday I can meet you in the CHT.
Thank you for reading the whole mail.
Have a nice day!
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